Unit 7: Perseverance
Information can be found on Unit one page COPYWORK Information can be found on Unit one page Vocabulary Information can be found on Unit one page for the different sections. Lapbook The unit wrap up is cut outs of a pioneer family. The pioneers were a determined bunch of people. They faced the odds, walked for miles, days, months on end. They faced their fears of Indians, loss of loved ones, even braved the very elements and the lack of roads and maps to expand and find new homes. I have always found that to be a tremendous lesson on perseverance. Younger child should just play with them and store them in the pocket. An older child should work on some problem solving skills to various stumbling blocks that you think the pioneers would be faced with. Here is the write ins for unit 7: Pers 1:1 circle book pers 1:2 Basic fold Pers 1:3 Square petal Pers 1:4 Circle book Pers 1:5 accordion fold Pers 2:1 Pull tab Pers 2:2 Slider Pers 2:3 Pentagon fold Pers 2:4 3 Flap Pers 2:5 Fan–needs a brad Project Pack Perseverance offers two odd projects. The first is on doing dreaded deeds. They are to set up 5 projects that they have been dreading to do–even procrastinating on doing! There is a chart to help plan it into steps. Please encourage them to stick to it and persevere even though they may really hate doing this. Hopefully this project will show them that if they just do it, the projects will be done and over with and they may even enjoy doing it–my 9 year old helped clean their room with us yesterday and she had been dreading it–me too for that matter, it was awful!–and she said that she actually had FUN! So it’s possible that they may find they enjoy things more then they anticipated. The second project is about planning their future–it’s along the same lines as the project for unit 5, but this is more on focusing on the education needed for different occupations. This is to encourage them to plan to persevere through the educational requirements by knowing ahead of time what is required and getting a plan in place. Be prepared to help them look for colleges and universities or technical schools that will help them obtain the education needed. I do suggest they talk with someone that is in the field they are researching. I also highly suggest they place all their information into a folder or file. Especially if they request information from colleges they are looking into–it is NEVER too early to request information. |
Book of Virtues
These are the download links for my study project that goes with "The Book of Virtues" By William J. Bennett. Complete Download This is 18.92 MB. Please use the smaller unit downloads if you use dial-up or a slower DSL connection. Lesson Plan Twinklemom's Primary Lesson Plan Individual Unit Download Unit 1: Self Discipline Unit 2: Compassion Unit 3: Responsibility Unit 4: Friendship Unit 5: Work Unit 6: Courage Unit 7: Perseverance Unit 8: Honesty Unit 9: Loyalty Unit 10: Faith Character Sheets Further information can be found on the appropriate unit's page beneath the Book of Virtues tab above. |