Unit 1: Self-Discipline
The following information is supposed
to help you in using the Book of Virtues Project. The information in
each section below is pertinent to all units of the study-except where
noted. Be sure to check all unit pages for Unit specific information.
Mostly there will only be differences in the Lapbook sections and the
Unit Project Packs so be sure to check on those differences.
Worksheet Information Not every story and poem has corresponding worksheets. Each story that is covered has 2 worksheets. The first worksheet has the vocabulary for the story. It also has a few questions. Most questions can be answered directly from reading the story. But I must warn that some questions have no right or wrong answer. They are thinking questions. They are provided in the hopes that the person reading will contemplate the story and come to their own conclusion. I would like to encourage you not to grade these questions beyond sentence structure. It’s like grading a question on whether a person agrees with you. You can’t mark it wrong if they disagree, but if they say “nah, that stinks.’ well, that is something that should be corrected. The second worksheet is more a Notebooking page. It has space for writing and space for adding a drawing or mini book if that is your desire and choice of schooling. These worksheets can be used together or separately. Please make this to work for your teaching style so that it works for your family. I do not have the answers provided. Most stories are extremely short. The time it would take you to read it would be very minimal. So if you are not already familiar with the story, it will take you very little time to read it and catch the answer. I encourage you to read these stories. They are good, heart-warming, and heart-wrenching stories. They will tickle your funny bone, and break your heart in the very next breath. Copywork There are 10 quotes (one for each day) for each Virtue. Each quote is written in 3 different fonts. There is: Print on the handwriting lines; cursive on the handwriting lines; and just cursive. These quotes are not intended for the primary grades. They are deep thinkers. And many are quite long. Please do NOT feel you need to force your poor child into writing them if they are only age 7!! My girls are much older then that and have a HUGE issue with handwriting. So that is why there are so many options. Please also only print out what you need. No sense wasting paper and toner! Lapbook Information There is a numbering system on each mini book that may be confusing: S-D 1:1 This means that it is in the Self-Discipline Unit (S-D) and is part of week 1 for Day 1. The next section after the lapbook is the Wrap up section. The last page of the full lap book for unit one is a wrap up of the unit. Basically it is a chance for the child to write down some ways that he (she) can show Self-Discipline. Some of you that responded on my poll requested to not go over board on having too many mini books. I figured the best way to answer your needs would be to do just one mini book/activity for each unit. Each unit runs basically the same way. 2 label options. 1 mini-book per story. and a final unit wrap up. Vocabulary Information (This is the same for all units) Page 1: These are the definitions for the words. You can use these for younger students so they don’t have to write them. Also another use could be a matching game. Basically you would cut them apart, and then glue them on a construction paper sheet, or just place them together, return to an envelope, and keep them as review during the entire unit. The next group of pages can be for several uses: 1. Write the definitions. 2. Write sentences for the vocabulary words. 3. write the definition as a sentence. The 2 groups after the sentence sheets are flash cards. The first set is the front (words only) and the next set is the back (definitions only) Basically just print the first set on card stock and then flip the pages over and print the second set–in reverse order! These are small cards. So they are not intended to fit on 3×5 cards–though if you didn’t feel like printing back to back, or are out of card stock you CAN have the kids cut them apart and glue them on 3×5 cards! Whatever works best for you and your family! My idea however was to hole punch a corner and put them on a metal ring for easy flipping! Next should be the crossword puzzles. There are 2 versions. One has the clues and a word bank. Also the first (or at least one any ways) has been done to give them a head start. The second version is a bit harder as there is no word bank and none have been done. The Next set is the word search. Again there are 2 versions. With the same differences. The final 4 pages are the answer keys to the word search and the crossword puzzle. I do apologize for the word search key. The generator places coordinates for the answers on the second page, but it doesn’t mark the actual grid. So I drew “lines” showing the location of each. This caused a slight misalignment. OK it’s a bit more than a SLIGHT change, but it’s only on the answer key and I haven’t figured out how to fix it. When I do (IF) I will post an updated answer key. Project Pack Each unit has 1 or 2 projects that are geared toward helping your child further explore each virtue. Some are more geared toward high school level work. These tend to be more involved and require a deeper understanding. The lesson plan suggests that the projects begin on the 3rd day of each week. You can begin each project whenever you feel it appropriate for your family. For younger kids (K-5) I suggest skipping the projects all together. They are too much for the younger set. For those who are working with high schoolers and working on credit for graduation, I recommend that all projects be completed including the long term project. |
Book of Virtues
These are the download links for my study project that goes with "The Book of Virtues" By William J. Bennett. Complete Download This is 18.92 MB. Please use the smaller unit downloads if you use dial-up or a slower DSL connection. Lesson Plan Twinklemom's Primary Lesson Plan Individual Unit Download Unit 1: Self Discipline Unit 2: Compassion Unit 3: Responsibility Unit 4: Friendship Unit 5: Work Unit 6: Courage Unit 7: Perseverance Unit 8: Honesty Unit 9: Loyalty Unit 10: Faith Character Sheets Further information can be found on the appropriate unit's page beneath the Book of Virtues tab above. |