Unit 6: Courage
Information can be found on Unit one page COPYWORK Information can be found on Unit one page Vocabulary Information can be found on Unit one page for the different sections. Lapbook My Oldest has actually put some ideas in on this unit–The mini book for Courage 2:5 is her idea! I think it’s fun and different than some of my others! Also, she came up with the idea for the Unit Wrap up–Courage and the Cowardly Lion. It turned out really cute. I hope everyone has some fun with this!! Write Ins for the lapbook. Not sure if they have been added back in or not. But you may need them. Courage 1:1 Compare/Contrast Courage 1:2 Wave book Courage 1:3 Trifold with flaps Courage 1:4 Shutter fold Courage 1:5 Packing Chest Courage 2:1 Basic Fold Courage 2:2 Accordion Fold Courage 2:3 Basic with tabbed bottom Courage 2:4 Thank you pocket and letter Courage 2:5 Pentagon flap Project Pack Courage has 2 projects. The first is based on showing courage in danger. Basically your child is to research the American National Anthem. Then they are to use the words of the song (NOT PROVIDED–hense the need to research!) and come up with a creative way to depict the night the song was written. That night many courageous men died. And I am sure more then one was terrified as he battled for freedom. I hope that all your children can understand why that son is our national anthem and I pray that they will have a healthy understanding of what real courage is. The second project is one that your child will face every day for their entire life. It’s more on dealing with peer pressure and temptations–truly moments that require great courage. Keep in mind that this may be a bit controversial. If you object to my wording on it, please feel free to skip it, re word it, or tell them your own personal opinion. But this is what I have stated. The task is to make decisions on typical temptations that they may face–Drugs, alcohol, pre-marital relations, etc. I have stated that they must make their own choices-not the ones that their sunday school teacher tells them to make or that even their parents tell them to make. We all hope they do make the “RIGHT” choice, but if we force it on them, it’s NOT their choice is it? If we all cram it down their throats they will resent it. The choices have to be theirs. So they are given the task to make their choices–and write down WHY they have chosen it. YOUR task is to be courageous enough to let them make their choices. I ask that you not check these or at least don’t comment on them. That way they will feel as if their choices are theirs and not subject to mom or dad “correcting them” We all have to let our children grow up. This is our first step. I have tried to keep my wording neutral on this so that I don’t influence their decsions either. Let’s let our children grow! |
Book of Virtues
These are the download links for my study project that goes with "The Book of Virtues" By William J. Bennett. Complete Download This is 18.92 MB. Please use the smaller unit downloads if you use dial-up or a slower DSL connection. Lesson Plan Twinklemom's Primary Lesson Plan Individual Unit Download Unit 1: Self Discipline Unit 2: Compassion Unit 3: Responsibility Unit 4: Friendship Unit 5: Work Unit 6: Courage Unit 7: Perseverance Unit 8: Honesty Unit 9: Loyalty Unit 10: Faith Character Sheets Further information can be found on the appropriate unit's page beneath the Book of Virtues tab above. |