American Geography
This is based off a class that I am teaching at a Charter School that is geared to helping Homeschoolers. I teach once a week and we are trying to cover the entire United States! Talk about crunch time! So in order to fit it all in, we are doing tiny pit stops in most (if not all!) states in each Region. We focus on projects and activities for each area. This is NOT an in depth study. However, if you have time and are doing this at home, I'd combine it with the US Pit Stop for a great study! And it's a TON of fun!
This is a 36 week study that covers basic Mapping Skills, the 5 regions of the United States, and an Idaho History unit.
Week 1 Basics & Cardinal Directions Week 19 South West Region
Week 2 Physical maps Week 20 Week 2
Week 3 Natural environmental/hazards Week 21 week 3
Week 4 Political Maps/Population Week 22 Western Region
Week 5 US Maps & Surrounding Areas Week 23 Week 2
Week 6 13 Original Colonies! Week 24 week 3
Week 7 13 Original Colonies! Week 25 Idaho History Unit -- City/Towns Capital
Week 8 13 Original Colonies! Week 26 Idaho History Unit -- Maps Wrap up
Week 9 13 Original Colonies! Week 27 Idaho History Unit -- Production/Resources
Week 10 North East Region Week 28 Idaho History Unit -- Exploration Land Features (Lewis & Clark
Week 11 Week 2 Week 29 Idaho History Unit -- Exploration People/Places (Oregon Trail)
Week 12 week 3 Week 30 Idaho History Unit -- Native American Treaties
Week 13 South East Region Week 31 Idaho History Unit -- State Symbols & Government
Week 14 Week 2 Week 32 Idaho History Unit --Wrap up
Week 15 week 3 Week 33 United States Territories
Week 16 Mid West Region Week 34 United States Capital
Week 17 Week 2 Week 35 United States Symbols
Week 18 Week 3 Week 36 Wrap up!
This page is under serious construction. I've still got to upload the files that have been done in the past and then link everything. I'm sorry the page is such a mess. I'll get to it . . . Just bear with the "dust"!
This is a 36 week study that covers basic Mapping Skills, the 5 regions of the United States, and an Idaho History unit.
Week 1 Basics & Cardinal Directions Week 19 South West Region
Week 2 Physical maps Week 20 Week 2
Week 3 Natural environmental/hazards Week 21 week 3
Week 4 Political Maps/Population Week 22 Western Region
Week 5 US Maps & Surrounding Areas Week 23 Week 2
Week 6 13 Original Colonies! Week 24 week 3
Week 7 13 Original Colonies! Week 25 Idaho History Unit -- City/Towns Capital
Week 8 13 Original Colonies! Week 26 Idaho History Unit -- Maps Wrap up
Week 9 13 Original Colonies! Week 27 Idaho History Unit -- Production/Resources
Week 10 North East Region Week 28 Idaho History Unit -- Exploration Land Features (Lewis & Clark
Week 11 Week 2 Week 29 Idaho History Unit -- Exploration People/Places (Oregon Trail)
Week 12 week 3 Week 30 Idaho History Unit -- Native American Treaties
Week 13 South East Region Week 31 Idaho History Unit -- State Symbols & Government
Week 14 Week 2 Week 32 Idaho History Unit --Wrap up
Week 15 week 3 Week 33 United States Territories
Week 16 Mid West Region Week 34 United States Capital
Week 17 Week 2 Week 35 United States Symbols
Week 18 Week 3 Week 36 Wrap up!
This page is under serious construction. I've still got to upload the files that have been done in the past and then link everything. I'm sorry the page is such a mess. I'll get to it . . . Just bear with the "dust"!