I've also added a new page! Under Lesson plans, and then Geography Pit Stop, you will now find Eastern Hemisphere! This is an extension of Geo Pit Stop! It is what I am doing in class while I teach at Harmony Options Day (A not exactly local charter school that is for Homeschoolers). This is a 36 week Class. We are visiting many countries in the Eastern Hemisphere to include Kenya, China, Russia, Napal, and many more. We are also doing a country report and comparing all of our visited countries to the United States. We are keeping an updated passport and a country cookbook as well!
While the page is not complete, I have all the country connections that we have finished linked to a drop box file. Those files should be accessible to you now. If you have a problem, please email me so I can help you out! (I just started using Drop Box, so I may have a few kinks in the system!) I will be getting actual pages made with "what we did" instructions etc. I hope to get those done soon, but the files will at least get you started!