So here's some generic info!
Pockets are made using CD sleeves. I bought several hundred off of ebay years ago. I use them quite often. You will notice that they have 4 to a sheet. I have learned that it is totally ok to cut them apart! So as you can see I have some as 4, and some as just solo! To stick the pocket to the cardstock, I simply used spray adhesive. Works like a charm!
To stick things to the door, I used command strips. (The ones you pull and it pops off without damaging the paint job--works perfectly just like the commercials.) I do cut them into smaller pieces to make them go further! Even without the tab they still work!! Oh and best of all-I have never had anything fall off the door!!
Lamination is just using the Scotch brand laminator! It's cheap (sorta) and works very well.

This is just a simple clock with moveable hands. This way I can change the clock to whatever time I want, and then write the digital time for them. I have added a pocket with little clocks in it. They are laminated. I will have the kids write the current time on the clocks with dry erase markers on the front (analog) and the digital time on the back.
I don't have a download as I pulled these out of a book that I have and just copied the page.
Here's a link that could replace them though:
Clock with Hands: http://www.fi.edu/time/Journey/JustInTime/clock1.html
practice clock: http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/48400/48481/48481_nclockb.htm

Drill Cards:
The drill cards are simple cards that have addition, subtraction, and multiplication drill cards. The problems are in a random order, with 4 different sheets for each fact family. So + 1 cards have 4 sheets, x 2 cards have 4 sheets, etc.
Addition: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?tc6pj9c78g9jjkg
Subtraction: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?4yq5uh2vtrtzs1q
Multiplication: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?9kymxp99hukek36
Division: I am still working on getting the division pages created. . . . Those are a little harder to whip up!

Place Value:
For my 6 year old, we need a bit of place value practice. So I made a small set of base 10 sticks and a small place value answer card.
Base 10 blocks I pulled out of a book. But here is a link to one I think will work: http://www.havefunteaching.com/worksheets/math/place-value/base-10-blocks.pdf
Place Value Cards: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?4t43485mzsknpqs
I printed this 2 sheets per page so that It would be smaller.

One of the hardest things for kids to learn is money, both counting it and making change. this section does just that. Along the top of the door, I have info graphics reminding the kids what each coin is and how much. (And a quick note stating how many it takes to make a dollar) Then I have two sections below. the first is has a bunch of "coins" (laminated) separated into pockets (.50 to .01) And then a problem pocket and a answer card pocket. The purpose of this section is to count the money. HOW MUCH MONEY? The second section is adding the cost of items. The use 2 dice to roll twice. For each roll they select that item from the first or second choice pocket. They fill out the "order form" with the price. Then they add it up. For DD12 she also has to decide if $10 is enough to purchase the items and then decide how much change she would get or how much more she would need!
Most of this I pulled out of a book, but I do have some links for the things I added:
Coin Count cards: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?kkassblm4ieadsk
Printed these 2 pages to 1 sheet to make them smaller
Shopping Trip: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?sjqmwmd4su8zbu4
Printed pages 1 & 3 separately to make them 2 pages to 1 sheet to make them smaller. I also had a second set of items that I pulled out of a book.
More pics of the Money Sections: